Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Dick Cheney's real name is Sarah Lambert

well, my first attempt to write a post for today was squashed when after i had a pretty lengthy entry that was killed when the post page couldnt be displayed, which is bullshit.
Ok well here it goes to the best to my recollection:
Hey there, Just got back from a game of Texas Hold'em, Andrew won and i took 2nd, i won last night, we were using Kevin's Spankin New CHip Set, which is SWEET. Anyway this morning i started off with a Bio lab practical at 8:45, so i show up, and there is a note on the door saying that the practical will start at 9:30 so i sat there and studied with about 15 other people sitting in the hallway, bc i knew that if i was to go back to my room i would not have gotten up for my lab test.
IN reading the NY Times this morning, i noticed the picture on the front page was of kids from queens at none other than Hessian Lake, in Bear Mtn. Now for a paper that is printed around the world you would think that on the front section would be a picture of bombings, or natural disasters or of a political means---omg Zorak is at my window--weird- so i was thinking, news must be slow due to colombus day being yesterday. Oh well.
In sadder news Christopher Reeves died, and in an earlier interview, he said that he initially contemplated suicide when the accident happened. And this brought me to a conversation that i had with adam a little while ago, and how we would rather be dead then paralyzed, and before reading the rest I thought that if i was him, i would have blinked as hard as possible to completely severe what was left of my spinal column. But after reading what changed his mind, my mind was changed as well. He said that after seeing his family, he decided that he had a reason to live. And it sorta shocked me, i mean he was SUPERMAN. He was 6'4" with an athletic build, had it all, and then the worst happened and he decided to stick with it because of the people he cared for.
The more I thought about it the more i understood. The people that are the closest would definately influence me and help me do the best with what i had in particular Liz and my OG's, as well as my grandparents. Im not usually affected by what happens to celebraties but for some reason this did something. IT changed my mind. well goodnight everyone.

There is no remedy for love but to love more.
Henry David Thoreau, Journal, July 25, 1839US Transcendentalist author (1817 - 1862)
I love you Liz, happy 7 months.